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Conti Moore Law Divorce Lawyers, PLLC - Ana Skarica

Ana Skarica

Office Administrator

Ana, who was born in Chile and holds Croatian citizenship, moved to the USA two years ago. Before her move, Ana spent 22 years working in the retail industry, with 6 years in Chile and Argentina, and 16 years in Peru. During this time, she gained experience in various areas such as Administration, IT, Finance, Sales, and Operations. Prior to that, Ana worked for 8 years in the Health Insurance industry.

Apart from her professional background, Ana is passionate about traveling, learning new languages, exploring different cultures, reading, and spending time in the great outdoors, whether it’s in the mountains, forests, or near rivers and lakes. She enjoys camping, skiing, and sailing. In her free time, Ana cherishes moments with her family and friends. She has an insatiable curiosity and loves to expand her knowledge in various fields. Occasionally, she also indulges in her artistic side by painting, learning crocheting, renovating old items, and experimenting with cooking, baking, and decorating.

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