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Divorce and Family Law Blog

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What Is the Age Limit for Child Support in Florida?

Child support is the obligation of a parent to financially support their children when they do not live with them. It is presumed that when a child lives with a parent, the parent provides for the child’s financial needs. However, when parents divorce or do not live together, the state has child support guidelines that […]


Can I Reduce My Child Support Payments After Losing My Job?

Parents in Florida have an obligation to support their children. Courts order child support payments to accomplish that goal after parents separate or divorce. However, what happens if someone cannot pay their child support obligations in Florida because they lost their job? Will the state take their property or send them to jail? Failing to […]


What Happens if I Miss ONE Court-Ordered Child Support Payment?

Just about everyone knows that missing a single car payment or a single mortgage payment can result in unpleasant consequences. When it comes to child support payments, however, it’s a different ballgame. After all, the law places significant value on the well-being of children. There are ways to mitigate the damage, however. Consequences You Might […]


Deviating From Florida Child Support Guidelines

Florida uses standard child support guidelines for determining child support obligations. The guidelines provide a base amount. However, courts can deviate from Florida child support guidelines for numerous reasons. Understanding how child support is calculated in Florida is important if you are going through a divorce or child custody case. Working with an experienced Orlando […]


What Does Child Support Cover in Florida?

The child support system in Florida can be confusing. To make matters worse, it can involve a hefty amount of paperwork, court appearances, and obtuse legislation. All of this can make getting the support you need far more difficult than it should be.  So if you’re confused about the process, don’t worry. Here’s what you […]


Do I Have to Pay Child Support With 50/50 Custody in Orlando, FL?

Child support and child custody are two separate matters. A court could grant sole custody to one parent and restrict visitation while still requiring the non-custodial parent to pay child support. Florida uses child support guidelines to determine how much child support a parent must pay. However, judges can deviate from the guidelines in some […]


Can I Stop Paying Child Support if I Can’t See My Kids?

No, but there are steps you can take to hold your child’s other parent accountable for not letting you spend time with your kids. Nurturing your relationship with your child is vital to both of you, but you can’t simply withhold child support payments as they’re intended to help your child. Doing so would inevitably […]


What Are the Penalties for Missing Child Support Payments in Florida?

Everyone wants to be there for their children. Child support should not be seen as a burden. It is an opportunity to help your children in your absence. Remember, these payments are not going to the other parent. They are meant to be used strictly for the children. In fact, if the other parent is using this […]


Can I Go to Jail for Not Paying Child Support?

If you have been ordered by a court to pay child support, you are expected to make those payments on time and in full. Excuses are rarely tolerated by family court judges. After all, it is your child’s right to receive financial support from both parents. Is Jail a Potential Penalty for Failing to Pay Child Support? In […]


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